Biblical Counseling

There is hope! Life can be full of hardships and challenges at times. But God's Word is fully sufficient for all of life's problems. We want to help you by pointing you to the real and lasting hope found in the Bible. 

"His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence,"  - 2 Peter 1:3

What To Expect

Time and Place

Counseling sessions are offered on Mondays or Thursdays from 9:00 am to 1 pm (EST) at Amissville Baptist Church (I do not counsel via Skype or similar services). Most counseling sessions last 1 to 2 hours. 

Here’s what you can expect during that time:  

Privacy and Care

The staff and members of ABC will care for you and treat you with respect. Most things will be held in strict confidence. The counselor’s reserve the right to involve others in the process if legal, safety, or church issues arise. 

Biblical Focus

The staff will encourage you to find victory of your sin and struggles by becoming more like Jesus through Bible study. 

Weekly Homework

We will assign you homework to be completed between counseling sessions. The assignments are meant to encourage lasting change. As part of the homework, you will be required to attend worship services at ABC for the duration of your counseling sessions.

Give Us Some Time

Habits are not developed overnight, and new habits will take time to develop. In most cases, we ask individuals to commit to regular counseling appointments for a period of 3 to 4 months.


At this time there is not cost for counseling.  

Schedule My First Session

To schedule a session please call the church office at: 540.937.6159 or email us at: Once we have your contact information, we will email you a Personal Inventory Form (PDI). After you complete and return the PDI form, we will schedule your first session.