Worship Service Profile:

We are a historic, Southern Baptist Church committed to the preaching the gospel, to reaching all generations, and to authentic worship. We average around a 75-80 people in worship. You will find our members and guests wearing everything from t-shirts to suits and ties. We tend towards casual dress, welcoming all styles.

Our service starts at 10:30 a.m. (EST) and ends by noon.

ABC offers nursery for babies - PreK. Young children are welcome to go to nursery or to attend the service with their parents. ABC also provides older kids with children's worship bulletins containing coloring pages and activity sheets. We hope to see you and your family on Sunday!


We currently sing a blend of traditional hymns and contemporary songs. We open each service with a praise song. We then feature two more songs after the pastoral welcome and Old Testament reading. We close our service with a response hymn. 


The sermons at ABC are expository in nature. Our pastors and elders preach through the 66 books of the Bible verse by verse, examining each word of the text to gain a better understanding of God, of us, and of how we should respond to God. All of our teaching highlights the good news of the Gospel: God saving sinners through Jesus' death and resurrection! 

The typically sermon last 30-40 minutes.  

To watch past sermons click here!