ABC Kids exists to aid and encourage parents as they teach their children about Jesus, by providing children with a fun, safe, and secure space where the gospel is taught!

Sunday Kids' Activities

9AM (EST): Sunday School for Babies - 6th GradE

10:30AM (EST): Nursery for Babies - PreK. 

Kids' bulletins containing coloring sheets and activity pages are available for older children during the service. 

Important Questions:

Where do we go?

Park in the parking lot located next to the church. Walk up the steps and enter through the main doors. A greeter will help you find your kid's Sunday school classroom which will be located upstairs. Nursery is located in the fellowship hall.

What do our kids do during the Worship Service?

Babies and Preschoolers are welcome to come into the service or go to the nursery located in the ABC Fellowship Hall. Mom and Dad, we trust your judgment. 

Your K's-12th graders will come with you into the Worship service. Children's bulletins containing coloring pages and activity sheets are viable


How Does Sunday School Work? 

Babies-4's will head to the Fellowship Hall and K's-6th graders will head upstairs. The kids' classes feature the Answers in Genesis Sunday School Curriculum which teaches the Bible in chronological order through worksheets, Bible Stories and interactive activities. When Sunday school ends at 10AM, ABC asks parents to pick up their kids and then head to the Fellowship Hall for snacks or to the sanctuary to prepare for the morning service.