Sunday School returned on Sunday, September 12 at 9AM! (EST) After spending more than a year away from our discipleship classrooms because of COVID-19, the people of ABC were excited to relaunch Sunday school using an updated 14-week format. From 9AM to 10AM(EST), ABC hosts two adult classes designed to facilitate spiritual growth through Bible study and in-class discussions. ABC’s two kids’ classes explore the story of Bible through games, activities, and Bible lessons. We encourage our teenagers to attend one of the adult classes. After Sunday school ends, those who attend Sunday can head to the fellowship hall for coffee and snacks from 10-10:30AM.

See you Sunday at 9AM(EST)!

Adult Classes

Adult Class – Sanctuary

Quarterly Focus: The Gospel Center Life

Teachers: James and Mark

Over the span of 14 weeks, James will examine how the gospel reaches into and transforms every aspect of our lives. They will be discussing how the gospel informs our understanding of the cross, sin, forgiveness, repentance, missions, and a host of other topics. The study will be based on the book, The Gospel Centered Life

Click Here to email ABC for more information.

Ladies' Class – Conference Room

Quarterly Focus: Forgiveness

Teachers: Liz and Carol

For 14 weeks, Liz will be leading a discussion-based class using Kay Author’s book on repentance. In class, ladies will analyze passages and then discuss the story of Joseph, the parables of Jesus, and other important passages on forgiveness. Click here to email ABC for more information.

Children's Classes

K – 3rd Grade – Upstairs Kids Room

Curriculum: Answers in Genesis

Teachers: Becky and Bonnie

Each Sunday morning, Becky and Bonnie will guide our children chronologically through the story of the Bible, beginning in Genesis and ending in Revelation. When the weekly Bible story is completed, the kids complete worksheets, play games, or make crafts to review what they have learned. To help keep our kids safe, ABC asks parents to check-in their children before class begins and to pick up the children at the end of class.

4 - 6th Grade - Upstairs

Curriculum: Answers in Genesis

Teachers: Dave and Dale

Dave and Dale lead the older class through the biblical timeline. The class is built around questions posed by the AIG material that the kids seek to answer through Bible reading and critical thinking. 

Babies – 4’s – Fellowship Hall

Curriculum: Answers in Genesis

Teachers: Doris and Danielle

Mrs. Doris will lead the preschoolers through the story of the Bible in short 10–15-minute lessons. During the rest of the morning, the children will play in the nursery space and will grab a snack of goldfish or something similar. After Sunday school ends, we ask parents to pickup their kids. Children staying in the nursery for church can be rechecked into the nursery at 10:25AM following the fellowship time.