- Sunday School: 9AM (EST)
- Coffee/Fellowship: 10AM (EST)
- Worship: 10:30 AM (EST)
- Bible Study: 5PM (EST)
Typical Sunday Schedule
- Sunday School: 9AM (EST)
- Coffee/Fellowship: 10AM (EST)
- Worship: 10:30 AM (EST)
- Bible Study: 5PM (EST)
Common Questions
What time should I arrive?
We encourage you to arrive 5-10 minutes before the 10:30AM (EST) worship service begins. When you arrive, ushers will great you and help you find a seat or whatever else you might need.
Where should I park?
Park in the ABC parking lot next to the church building.
What should I wear?
Come as you are. We welcome both suits and shorts at ABC. Our members lean towards casual dress.
What do our kids do during the Worship Service?
Children of all ages are welcome to sit with their parents during the worship service. Nursery is also provided for babies - PreK. Children of all ages are welcome to grab a Children's Worship bulletin as they enter the sanctuary.
How long is the service?
The services will last 65-75 minutes and will feature Scripture readings, songs, prayers, and a 40-45 minute sermon. They start at 10:30AM (EST) and usually end by 11:50AM(EST)
Does ABC Have Sunday School?
Yes, ABC has classes for both adults and children! Sunday school begins Sunday morning at 9AM(EST).