Reformation Day: Family Night

Join us, Sunday, Oct 29 from 5-7PM for our annual Reformation Day Celebration! This family themed party night will highlight the life and times of Huldrich Zwingli who lead the Swiss church to reembrace the gospel of Jesus Christ through expository preaching. The night will start in the sanctuary with a 20-minute interactive discussion that follows Zwingli as he seeks to reform the church.

Once we wrap up things in the Sanctuary, we will head to the ABC Fellowship Hall for games and snacks. Lots of Candy and prizes (and some sausages) will be on hand. To help catch the Middle Age Swiss vibe, we encourage both kids and adults to dress up as a British King or Queen, or as a knight, a monk, or in other Renaissance costumes. We hope you and your family will join us on Oct. 29th at 5PM!

Who was Huldrich Zwingli

In an ironic twist of history, Zwingli become famous for something that he did not do. Like Martin Luther, Zwingli did not set out to reform the church but rather to be a faithful student of the Bible. But as he studied the Scriptures, he noticed that the Catholic Church had corrupted several key doctrines, including the doctrine of salvation. As Zwingli preached the gospel, the people of Zurich came under the conviction of sin and developed a passion to honor Christ in their day-to-day lives. The combination of faithful preaching and intentional living spawned a series of events that earned the Catholic Church's displeasure. What did Zwingli not do that caused the Catholic Church to condemn him as a heretic? Join us Sunday night October 29 at 5PM to find out!

What is the Reformation?

On October 31, 1517, Luther nailed a the 95 Theses to the door of the Wittenberg Chapel, seeking to debate the practice of indulgences, which traded divine forgiveness for earthly coins. 

Luther challenged this practice, realizing that salvation came by faith alone, through grace alone, according to the Word of God alone. Though Luther sought only to reform the church, he lit a spark that revived gospel preaching. The established church rejected Luther and forced him and the other followers of Jesus to create a new church, the protestant church (a church for those who protested the religion of the Catholic Church). 

Baptists, Lutherans, and Presbyterians and many other gospel centered churches exist today because a lone monk in Germany rediscovered the beauty of the true gospel which proclaims that Jesus saves sinners by his grace and mercy through the work of the cross! We celebrate the Reformation for without it, we would not have the gospel that we so dearly love.