2024 ABC Marriage Conference

ABC is excited to reinstitute its yearly discipleship conference on September 7-8 which is designed to feed and encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ!  Over the course of Saturday evening (Sept 7) and Sunday morning (Sept 8) the men and women will learn about the ins and outs of Biblical marriage. Our speaker Troy Maragos who serves on staff at Capitol Hill Baptist Church and will lead our conference, covering topics such as marital conflict, sexual intimacy and forgiveness. The cost to attend is $25 per couple and will cover the meal, childcare and all other conference expenses. Childcare will be available on Saturday night. On Sunday, all kids will participate in ABC's Sunday School and nursey programs. Please register below! 

2024 Marriage Conference Schedule

The conference will begin on Saturday, September 7th at 5:30PM in the ABC Sanctuary and will end Saturday night at 8:45PM. On Sunday, Sept 8th, the third session will take place during a combined adult Sunday school hour. And the final session will be a sermon on forgiveness. To get the most out of the sessions, we encourage all couples to work through their partner project after each session/sermon.

  • -Text: Genesis 2; Matthew 19:4-6; Ephesians 5:21-33

    - Big Idea: Vertically, the goal of marriage is to bring glory to God. Horizontally, the goal of marriage is oneness. 

    - Partner Project: From How to Wow Project Books: Riucci

  • From 6:30-745PM couples will eat together and work on their first partner project. 

  • - Text: 1 Corinthians 7:1-5; Hebrews 13:4; Song of Solomon

    - Big Idea: Vertically, God's desires for sex are multifaceted and all give glory to Him. Horizontally, our aim for sex is a depth of intimacy. Sexual intimacy between a husband and wife is a reflection of a couple’s oneness. 

    - Partner Project: Intimacy Inventory

  • - Text: James 4:1-2; Ephesians 4:29

    -Big Idea: Vertically, the goal of marital conflict is growth. Horizontally, our Aim is Understanding. In marriage, you can’t change what you don’t confront.

    -  Partner Project: Brad Hambrick- Conflict Resolution Evaluation

  • The last session will consist of our Sunday morning sermon and worship service.

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