Missions Notes

from 5-2-18 meeting

The May Missions meeting brought an unexpected surprise in the form of three visitors. We were visited by none other than Mike and Liesa Dodson, Virginia Team Coordinators and co-founders of Hope for Appalachia ministry. The ladies in attendance watched a brief video of the work HFA does as well as heard testimonies from Mike, Liesa and Wes Mills. Mike is pastor at New Salem Baptist Church and Wes is pastor at the Gathering Christian church here in Amissville. Wes attended his first HFA missions trip around Easter. The group also had a nice introduction to our own Pastor Peter Witkowski.


Hope for Appalachia brings hope to an area in our country that has been mostly forgotten. HFA now partners with churches throughout Virginia and North Carolina. HFA is also looking for two missionaries from our church to join them on their November trip to deliver hats, scarves, gloves, blankets and coats. Please keep the dates of November 28th through December 1st in your prayers. If you are interested in participating in the November trip please see myself or one of the ladies in missions here at our church.

ABC's first annual Community Easter Egg Hunt

Amissville Baptist Church held its 1st Annual Community Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, March 24, 2018, at the Amissville Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department (AVF&RD). This fun-filled activity ran from 1:00 pm until approximately 3:00 pm.

Pastor Lindsay Sadler opened the event by presenting the Easter story through the use of “Resurrection Eggs;” he ended the story time with prayer. Next, the children hunted for hidden eggs, eggs which were filled with candy and prizes. Then AVF&RD volunteer Wayne Dodson treated the children to a special tour of the fire and rescue area and its vehicles.

Everyone enjoyed the refreshments of cookies, candy and drinks. Before they left, we gave each child a gift bag.

A very special thank you to the AVF&RD for supporting the community in this worthwhile event!

Happy Easter!!